We ask ourselves questions all the time. Most of these questions start with the word WHAT.
“What should I wear today?”
“What should I say when asked a question?”
“What should I eat?”
We also ask ourselves, “WHAT IF?”
This often leads us to a series of memories that plant us right in the past regretting something we did leading to feelings of inadequacy or shame. I find that the questions that we ask ourselves inevitably shape our perception, perspective and framework for experiencing life.
Questions aim our thinking, awareness and focus.
This morning, while doing my daily journaling, I decided to RIFT off of the the question “WHAT IF?” However, the substance of my “what if” was much different.
Here are some examples:
What if my fears are unfounded?
What if 10 seconds of courage in a relationship could transform it forever?
What if my beliefs about myself are mistaken?
What if my assumptions are unfounded?
Many people I care about and love are in the midst of significant life challenges! You might be one of those in the midst of a significant challenge. These challenges could be best described as “being in a war.” The challenge never seems to let up. No matter which way you turn, there it is seemingly waiting to torment and therefore, torture you. It is said that when we face challenges of this intensity we come face to face with our true self.
I have to be honest and admit that the intensity of some of the challenges I am seeing go beyond a “problem to be solved.” Truthfully, a problem would be far preferred than a challenge. Problems can often be solved through advanced thinking, surrender and increased support. Challenges seem to dig at our humanity, value system, spirituality, and in some cases, our very existence. They force us to quickly assess our emotional, social, spiritual, and at times, financial resources.
How are we to respond when faced with a...
When people think of a mirror they think of a piece of glass that reflects the image that faces it. Mirrors can be useful because they reflect back to us an image. Mirrors do not judge, have an opinion, talk back, or hate. Like most things when utilized for their intended purpose the value is high.
However, a mirror can be turned into a weapon of mass destruction because of the user. Many spend hours in front of a mirror shaming and hating on themselves because of the judgment and self-condemnation they generate from the image being reflected.
Let me offer a different way to think about a MIRROR.
Recently, I was mentoring a young soccer player. She just finished tryouts and I asked her to share a moment that stood out in her mind. She proceeded to vaguely tell me of a moment where she passed the ball to her teammate and that teammate scored. The initial description was lacking detail and it would have been easy to gloss over with a statement like “good job” or...
Who of us would not want a deep, bold and stable confidence?
Unfortunately, to many people the thought of possessing this type of confidence left long ago. It could be that a significant relationship with a coach, teacher, parent or friend sabotaged that dream. As a result we often tolerate, make excuses and position our lives to insure that we protect ourselves from a sense of failure or discouragement in order to never deal with our utter and complete lack of confidence.
For these reasons this is the day I invite you to engage in the CONFIDENCE CHALLENGE!
Simply stated I want to challenge you to PURSUE a more powerful and sustainable confidence.
For over 18 years I have been coaching thousands of athletes and without question when I ask, “What is the one thing you want to work on?” the response 90 percent of the time is “More CONFIDENCE!”
Because so many of us are TRADING COMFORT for CONFIDENCE.
It seems that...
We all have aspirations to do GREAT things!!
I can detail at least five different GREATNESS SEEKING visions I have been chasing. In fact, the still small voice within often torments me concerning the minimal, if any, progress I have made with regard to these worthy pursuits.
I believe there are countless NOBLE and GAME CHANGING VISIONS that have died on the seat of PROCRASTINATION. Have you ever wondered to yourself where your life would be if just one of these visions actually became reality? Have you ever taken the time to assess the OPPORTUNITIES and QUALITY of life LOSS that is simply the by product of the inability to muster the willpower, motivation or discipline to see these through to reality?
This is a very personal writing for me. I have battled with procrastination most of my life. One day as I was talking with a colleague about a project, he was courageous enough to give me the feedback that his level of trust in my ability to see this project through was small. When I...
50% Complete
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