Helpful Belief or Enabling Delusion?

What does it mean to believe in somebody?

There are many athletes pursuing some kind of dream. This dream could be to go to college and play their sport, move on to play professionally, and finally, get paid to do something they love.

For those of us that work with athletes on a regular basis, how do we communicate a credible, helpful belief in the people we work with without enabling a delusion that can be destructive for years to come?

There seems to be a prevalent idea that says,

“To believe in somebody you have to go along with THEIR ideas regardless of if there is any reliable, tangible, ongoing information to base that belief on.”

Who of us would place our trust in someone that has shown zero evidence of tangible information in the area of hope?

Have we become so disconnected from quality impact on those we love that we have resorted to blind trust? Why do we engage in this? We do it because we are afraid of crushing the spirits of those we love. In essence, we...

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What is Focus?

We hear a lot about the importance of focus in discussions about HIGH PERFORMANCE. Rarely is this concept unpacked with clarity and practical application. For this purpose, I offer these thoughts.

First, let me ask a couple of questions:

Do you find yourself with a daily desire to experience more in your life?
Peace of mind
Purpose and Fulfillment
Connection with others
Empty days with endless tasks but very little purposeful results

If you can relate with these then I suggest that generating MORE focus is the equivalent of generating more power in your life. I have learned from coaching thousands of people that the LACK of FOCUS is always CONNECTED to a lack of true POWER in their lives.

Let me explain.

Focus is the capacity to continually invest yourself in the direction of clearly defined goals that connect you to your deepest desires and dreams. The emphasis here is on CONSISTENCY and...

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