Learning to Earn Your Playing Time

athlete mindset team Nov 05, 2024

Learning to Earn Your Playing Time: A Mindset Shift in Competitive Sports

In competitive sports, there comes a time when simply showing up is no longer enough to guarantee playing time. Earning your playing time becomes the new reality, a concept that challenges athletes to take ownership of their growth, performance, and mental strength. Yet, for those accustomed to always being in the starting lineup, adjusting to this shift can be tough. Inspired by my teachings on mental toughness and resilience, let’s explore why learning to earn your playing time is a transformative experience that every athlete can benefit from.

The Comfort Zone of “Guaranteed” Playing Time

For many athletes, especially those who have always been among the best on their team, playing time may have felt like an unspoken right. This can create a “comfort zone” where the athlete expects their place on the ice/field/court regardless of their performance, effort, or attitude. However,...

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